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Current FCC Happenings

Sign up for our weekly e-blast

FCC sends out a weekly email detailing upcoming worship, education,
special events and important announcements. Click HERE to sign up!


Help with Fellowship Time Treats

Please visit our sign-up here and pick a date (or dates) that work best for you! Coffee and treats will be set up in the Gathering Space. 

Lend Your Voice to Listening Sessions May 8-10


On May 8 - 10, the church is welcoming two consultants from Ministry Architects on-site who will be hosting “Listening Sessions” with church members. The purpose of the listening sessions is to gather people who care about the church and ministries to dream, identify challenges, and share ideas about the church you really want. The consultants are assisting the FCC Working Group in creating a healthy, sustainable, and flourishing future for FCC!


There are a variety of sessions available next Wednesday and Thursday and we encourage you to sign up. A few sessions are geared toward specific groups, but please sign up for the one that you are able to attend. There is a limit of 12 individuals at each session and two of them are on Zoom, while the rest are in person in the Parlor (2nd floor). If you have questions or need assistance signing up, please contact Betsy Hanzelin at or 708-798-2800, ext. 18.

Evenin' Weedin' (2).png

Bring a cooler stocked with the beverage of your choice and join in for simultaneous FCC fellowship and service to the church. We'll be hanging out third Tuesdays of the month through August. Tuesday, May 21, we will likely be spreading mulch between sips and conversation! We'll sweeten the deal by supplying Cilantros chips and salsa and cookies! If you're willing to lend a hand where you can, come on out and enjoy being outside with each other while we get some stuff done.

Dance Away Domestic Violence Saturday, June 1 from 3.png

FCC is hosting our community partners, Anew, for their 4th annual “Dancing Away Domestic Violence”! This event is usually held in Martin Square in Homewood, and we're excited to provide our air-conditioned, cicada-free space to participants who are ready to line dance, Zumba, and cardio drum the afternoon away, raising awareness for Domestic Violence and funding for Anew's essential programming. We hope ALL AGES consider taking the opportunity to support this event! Adult tickets are $20 and children are $10. 

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