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Our congregation is lay-led and staff supported through the work of our Boards and Committees. 
More than 90 people volunteer each year giving their time and talents to do God’s work.

Governing Board is our decision-making and visioning body, comprised of Elders who Chair our Boards and Committees and the Chair and Secretary of Governing Board.  Governing Board meetings are typically the 4th Tuesday of each month are open to all to attend. 




Board of Christian Education supports and advocates for Children, Youth, and Adult Spiritual Formation

  • Helps discern topics and resources for adult classes and group discussion 

  • Supports staff members leading Children’s & Youth Ministries     


Board of Community & Connection is the welcoming and relationship-building ministry

  • Creates inclusive and engaging events open to the community that help the congregation connect meaningfully, welcome visitors, invite neighbors, and provide hospitality

  • Plans and coordinates volunteerism for congregational events which develop a sense of deep Christian community through fellowship


Diaconate Board is the care giving ministry of the church

  • Coordinates outreach to members at vulnerable times through the prayer ministry, card ministry, altar flowers, phone calls, or visits

  • Coordinates transportation and meals for those in need

  • Connects people to pastoral care through Stephen Ministers and pastoral staff


Board of Faith in Action builds intentional mission partnerships and encourages and equips congregants for service outside church walls  

  • Researches and recommends grants to support our Community Partners and to allocate Special Offerings for local and global organizations

  • Provides opportunities for hands-on, meaningful service

  • Seeks to right injustice through dialogue and action


           Board Strategies:

Prioritize hands-on engagement in local community.

Emphasize capacity-building – equipping a person (or an organization) to fish.

Partner with others – communities, agencies, residents.

Build on strengths: in most circumstances, do “with”, not “for”.

Expand project and relationship leadership beyond Outreach Board.

Provide one-time, ‘pick-up’ opportunities to serve, as well as longer term engagements.


Board of Lay Ministry focuses on welcoming and inviting people into active membership. 

  • Coordinates Newcomers Coffees and Membership Classes for newer visitors

  • Helps members and visitors identify their gifts and calls people to serve in ways that build up the church and honor their unique gifts.

  • Fosters connection with the congregation and visitors through coordinating hosts on Sundays


Board of Worship & Arts focuses on supporting and maintaining a high quality of music, liturgy, and art in worship

  • Coordinates volunteer teams to serve as ushers, liturgists, and prepare communion

  • Hosts special worship services and engagements

  • Imagines diverse ways to encounter God through creative expression





Finance Committee handles our financial matters and budget

  • Reviews monthly reports of income and expenditures

  • Gathers budget requests from Board, Committees, and staff to create a proposed budget for the next fiscal year


Nominating Committee calls people to serve in ways that build up the church and honor their gifts

  • Connects with new and existing members to discover their interests, gifts, and passions

  • Discerns needs in leadership and builds a team of officers to lead the church in the coming years


Personnel Committee provides support and direction to the church staff

  • Oversees employee guidelines, hiring of staff, and annual performance evaluations

  • Provides ongoing support and appreciation of staff


Properties Committee takes care of the facility by managing church grounds, buildings, furnishings and equipment

  • Offers seasonal clean-up days

  • Advises on long-term maintenance


Stewardship Committee helps cultivate a generous spirit among the congregation

  • Promotes the growth of year-round Christian stewardship 

  • Encourages pledging and regular giving to support the mission and ministry of FCC




Long Range Vision Committee is comprised of church elders, including the current Governing Board Chair, and past two chairs and works on special projects and discernment and vision of the church's future.


Foundation Board is a separate non-profit corporation, FCCF sole purpose is to own funds that are contributed for the benefit of Flossmoor Community Church (FCC). FCCF oversees three funds.


Anti-Racism Committee will recommend ways we can bring our “Statement to End Racism” to life and will help us enlarge our capacity to do so faithfully.  See more information HERE.




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