Welcome to FCC!

For over 90 years the Flossmoor Community Church congregation of members and friends has gathered to worship and learn, and scattered to love and serve. Serving as a beacon of hope for the Chicago Southland, Christ’s love and grace flows in and through our faith community as we take seriously Jesus’ call to love God and love our neighbor.
People from all ages, stages and life situations find a welcome in the FCC family. While approximately 30 Christian traditions are represented in our congregation, others come our way having little or no religious background. Some of us have the faith of mountains; others of us are nurturing mustard seeds. In affirming Jesus’ prayer that we may all be one, we are a family in which black, brown and white, conservative and liberal, young, old and in-between, tentative and certain – in other words, people of all sorts – worship, learn and serve together. We invite all seekers, whether they are deep into their journeys or just beginning.
Flossmoor Community Church – renewed by grace, equipped by study and nurtured by fellowship – will enter into a faithful, Christ-like relationship with others. We will welcome friend and stranger, celebrate all gifts, embrace the hurting, and labor with others to restore what is broken.
The idea of “race” rationalized the concentration of power in the hands of those who were white. Consequently, people of color have had diminished access to goods such as housing, education, and jobs, while suffering greater exposure to risks, such as injustice, invisibility, and danger. More broadly, culture reinforces this false labeling in ways big and small, blinding us to gifts, causing deep hurt, and fracturing the beloved community.
Jesus stood with those of little power, elevated into ministry people overlooked by society, and embraced the full humanity of every person in His path. We challenge ourselves to do no less.
Therefore, we at Flossmoor Community Church will:
Learn about racism. Acknowledge and turn away from our part in it.
Replace old habits with new. Embrace discomfort. Be willing to err and try again.
Hold our own culture lightly; be open to authentic relationships with others.
Acknowledge what we have gained and lost by being an institution of privilege.
Question how our environment and practices exclude others. Modify to include.
Build a new identity inclusive of our full community – and, therefore, our full humanity.
Ending racism also requires that we act beyond our walls, because silence in the face of injustice is not an option. We will:
Support and engage with others working to end racism.
Become a haven for community discussion, relationship-building, and problem-solving. Dispute lovingly.
Invest with others where there has been disinvestment.
Learn about policies, structures and practices that unfairly impact non-dominant groups.
Learn about policies, structures and practices that might repair damage left by racism.
Equip ourselves to act individually, then do so.
Discern how and when we are called to act as a group, then do so.
We seek God’s guidance. We thank God for this opportunity to love each other as we are loved – unconditionally, fiercely, and tenderly. We will stumble and fall, but we will learn and rise again.
May our children say that in this place God’s will was done on earth as it is in Heaven. Amen.