The FCC Anti-Racism Committee
After years of informal study led by members of the congregation, FCC launched its anti-racism journey on August 19, 2020, with the congregational adoption of our “Statement to End Racism”. During the following 2020-2021 program year, we held congregation-wide workshops to introduce key topics, begin sharing the significance of the journey, and bring more of the challenge to light.
In May 2021, the Governing Board approved the formation of a self-managed Anti-Racism Committee. The Committee will recommend ways we can bring our “Statement to End Racism” to life and will help us enlarge our capacity to do so faithfully. The timeline is open-ended. The Committee is intended to have a broad scope to help us consider the full range of our life together as a Christian community from an anti-racism perspective: our worship, education, culture, community engagement, staffing, partnerships, alliances, advocacy, policies, procedures, history, and the use and design of our space. The Committee will collaborate with the Congregation and its Boards and Committees, which will follow our usual processes for making decisions.
Meet The Anti-Racism Committee

Fredric Mitchell, Co-Chair

Anna Carvalho, Co-Chair

Matt Epperson

Stephanie Poole-Byrd

Megan Brackin

Karyn Bowman

Angela Butler

Rev. Julie Van Til (ex officio)
Fredric Mitchell & Anna Carvalho; Co-Chairs. Members are Karyn Bowman, Angela Butler, Megan Brackin, Matt Epperson, Joe Hoereth, and Stephanie Poole-Byrd. Pastor Julie Van Til is ex officio.
Partnership with CROAR
In May 2021, the Governing Board approved the hiring of an outside resource to support our anti-racism efforts, funded by the FCC Foundation. The Committee is partnering with Chicago Regional Organizing for Anti Racism (CROAR), the Chicago branch of the national anti-racism group, Crossroads. This group has broad experience working with churches and other entities. An initial workshop was held in March 2022 and collaboration is expected to continue despite the unexpected death of CROAR’s leader (and FCC facilitator), Derrick Dawson, in July 2022.
CROAR Workshop
CROAR Consultation
Debrief with CROAR
Impact of Derrick Dawson’s death and Chris chairing Stewardship. Review FCC’s A/R journey to date.
FCC strengths and weaknesses
Formation of individual lens and conflict style
White Hegemony
Start discussion of next steps
Introduction to CROAR’s analytical framework.
Initial rules of engagement. Establish meeting schedule. Talk further with CROAR.
Await CROAR’s new proposal of way forward. Create web presence for transparency. Transition co-chair role from Chris Dolan to Anna Carvalho.
CROAR consultation redesign
Develop common committee foundation
Analytical Skills & Transformational Values
Themes and initial ideas surfaced
Committee Activity