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Nominating Committee

Building Leadership at FCC


Each spring, the Nominating Committee begins gathering information, dreaming, and discerning who to call to step into FCC Lay Leadership in the coming years. The membership of our Boards and Committees is made up of over 70 individuals who are called to serve, and the Nominating Committee holds the sacred responsibility of calling people to fill positions. Our desire is to place people where God can best use their gifts and skills for the work of the church as well as allow those chosen to grow in leadership in a place where their creative energy and passion can best be ignited!   


Part of Nominating’s task is to bring the congregation into our discernment process, as we believe the wisdom of the whole body can bring the best possible teams together.  Prayerfully consider making suggestions to the Nominating Committee through the link/button below.  The form will be open through the month of March 2023.  The suggestion can be yourself, or someone you recognize that may have the gifts that could match the available positions. We will consider all suggestions and appreciate your assistance. Each nomination requires a separate submission. Help us in creating the team of leaders that will guide FCC in the future! 


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